Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 6 - Redrafting Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Bonfire Night Non Fiction - Lesson 6 - Redrafting Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Bonfire Night is an event steeped in British history, commemorated with fireworks and bonfires every 5th of November. In the context of a lesson on this topic, Lesson 6 introduces students to the process of redrafting a piece of non-fiction writing about Bonfire Night. Redrafting is a crucial stage in writing where the aim is to refine and enhance the initial draft to improve clarity, coherence, and overall quality. Students are encouraged to think deeply about the reasons for redrafting and the specific methods by which they can achieve a polished final piece.

The 'Redrafting Worksheet' serves as a practical tool for students to organize their thoughts and actions during the redrafting process. They are prompted to fill out a table with points on 'WHY' redrafting is important—such as correcting errors, improving sentence structure, or enhancing word choice—and 'HOW' to go about it—perhaps by reordering paragraphs for better flow, replacing overused words with synonyms, or checking for grammatical consistency. This exercise not only helps students understand the purpose of redrafting but also equips them with strategies to execute it effectively. The discussion element of the task fosters collaborative learning, allowing students to share their insights and learn from each other's perspectives.